Six Purchases I’ve Made In 2022 — That Actually Changed My Life

High ROI investments my future self is already thanking me for.

Nikhil Vemu
6 min readDec 15, 2022
Red shopping bag
Photo by Phu Dinh on Unsplash

After getting my first job, my spending habits have completely changed.

I replaced cheap, frequent purchases like daily junk food, futile subscriptions, with bit-expensive, infrequent, and high-ROI purchases.

Here are 6 purchases I’ve made in 2022 — that actually changed my life.

An Apartment flat ($115,000)

An apartment flat under construction
Carpentry work is going on (Image by the author)

No sooner than I received my first salary, I purchased an apartment flat on loan.

House loans are tax exempted here. So I could save a lot of money while slowly owning the flat month-by-month.

Here in India, people won’t care about your bank balance, phone, car, or investments. All it matters is whether you own a house (and gold), or not.

House = status symbol here.

Also, with an own house, I

  • have no landlord,
  • have independence (I can do anything in my house),

