It’s Time I Stop Writing for A While…

For my university job placements

Nikhil Vemu
2 min readJul 8, 2021

Medium showed me, a new me. I’ve never expected before I’d write something that my school English teacher gets proud of. She never liked my essays.

Writing made me explore my deeper levels of creativity. It arose a perfectionist in me. The platform revealed me how people of other countries talk, write, and feel things.

I met a few in-person before…but I felt nervous to speak as a non-native English speaker. But now, I’m writing my ideas in English and people say they liked it..! The comparison of past & present is really wide.

Every Medium writer – be it Top, mediocre, or beginner, has already got much respect in his peer group, locality, or institution. Because he’s doing what many can’t do – Crafting thoughts creatively and bravely publishing it to the world.

And I ain’t different. People asked me,

“Nikhil, how are you able to write such long articles? They’re really interesting!”

This hobby is gratifying. It slowly became an addiction. Yet, it’s okay, I’m happy.

Because, for every article I write, I first go swim in the deep waters of my unexplored creativity and get points – just like you do. It improved me a lot.

However, this is my final year of under graduation, and I need to prepare for my job interviews and get placed in a good company. So I can’t be my past self now – who always quests for new ideas and writes articles.

I think it’s high time I stop writing for a while. Hiatus – as they say.

I can’t help the incomplete drafts looking innocently at me to finish them. If I finish and publish them, my mind forces me to check stats and I can’t stay without.

But…The Medium bonus??

Nevermind. I’ll be happy losing it. Because what I’m preparing now for, will get me something that’s worth a million bonuses.

Finally, thanks everyone, who helped me throughout my writing with your kind words and appreciation.

Rest assured, you’ll find a better me and my articles in the near-future.

