Nikhil Vemu
3 min readFeb 25, 2024
Created from images via Wikimedia (Attribution not legally required)

I launched a YouTube Channel!

It’s an exclusively “Shorts” channel explaining your favourite Apple tricks in a funny way.

Edit: I’m also posting long-form content now.

But, why did I start making videos all of a sudden?

I graduated from university and joined an IT job in July 2022. It was remote for over 8 months — but we were called to physical locations in April 2023.

My cousin (who’s a bachelor) lives in the same city as my office in a big apartment, alone.

He’s an aspiring director.
When not studying for his accounting degree, you’d find him scribbling story and screenplay on the sofa for his debut movie.

Staying with him is the reason I started watching movies from an entirely new perspective. I started analysing

  • why a director put such a scene,
  • why the cameraman took the shot from a particular angle,
  • how music elevates emotions,
  • how colour-grading sets the mood of a movie, etc.

Instead of simply enjoying movies while eating popcorn, I watched them to take lessons. And that’s for no reason — coz I’m no aspiring director, but a normal IT employee and blogger.

It’s was simply for fun.

I got so interested into movies that I subconsciously started making screenplay ideas for my cousin’s debut while in shower.

He even liked some ideas and took note of them so he wouldn’t forget to include them in his movie (yayy!).

Fast forward to a couple of months later.

It’s August 2023, and Med!um has announced a new algorithm that calculates earnings for writers enrolled in MPP.

My earnings dipped by over 70% overnight — which I didn't expect even in my wildest dreams.

I’m not against the algorithm, but it has undoubtedly affected my earnings — and me too, personally.

For the first 2 months of the new algorithm, my mind was blank.

Zero plans on how to tackle the disappointment. I’ve even wrote a story just to empty my emotions:

By then, I was all-in on Med!ium for over 3 years. And I had negligible following over all my other social media handles combined when compared to Med!ium.

Though I recouped my MPP earnings back to a decent level by October 2023 (thanks to stories getting boosted), I thought it’s high time I diversified my efforts over at least one social platform other than Med!ium.

The first platform that popped up in my mind was YouTube.

Thanks to my newly gained interest over movies — I thought why I shouldn’t create videos with a great screenplay that explain the same Apple tricks I write on Med!ium.

However, I didn’t wanna spend a large chunk of my energy into it — coz Med!ium’s MPP pays a lot of my bills. Yeah true.

I just wanted to try out skills in making short funny videos people would find both engaging and informative.

Than long-form content, they’re easier to script, record, and edit. A short video can be finished from scratch in not more than one day.

So like I said, I’ve already made six videos — and will be consistent over the coming days.

If you’re following me here, please subscribe to me on YouTube too.

It’s just the same topic — Apple.
And you’ll love the videos, I promise.
